The Sound of the Tubes...

This fabulous consoles made us dream with their inimitable, unforgettable sound...

Grundig SO 380F

The tuner, controled by a generous knob with a heavy inertia wheel, invites to browse the FM band. It's such a pleasure to tune the most distant stations thanks to its high sensivity. The blue magic ribbon (which in fact is a mini cathodic tube) closes as the receipt grows. When a station is tuned, it's still the same magic, the sound astounds:

These marvels of electronic precision are followed by fabulous loudspeakers with an excellent throughput. Indeed, the power is rarely more than 8.5 watts per channel. It might be the key of this marvelous sound: loudspeakers made of a lightweight membrane, moving in a short space can produce a precise and a dynamic reproduction - even with very few power.

To drive high throughput loudspeakers, there is no need to implement a very powerful amplification. Therefore, the electronic valves work in their optimum area. This allows the Electronics Engineer to concentrate on Musicality ; Race to the Power is useless here...

The result is subjectively natural, highly intelligible sound. Even at a low level, there is no need to pay attention to the sound to assimilate it. Listening is not tedious, but even relaxing as far as the FM station modulates decently, which is unfortunately most and most uncommon... More upon this in the page 'Why the FM quality drops down'.

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